Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Brandi Carlile and the band

Wishing you a Merry Christmas Brandi

and best wishes on your new album

you guys rock



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Say it ain't so MR.Cosby

When I was a child of suburban middle class white society....on Saturday mornings
I watched Fat Albert and the's fat albert
and I've got a song for you......

it was a fun and lighthearted cartoon with a message of fairness and tolerance....

now....the dream is John lennon sang

Mr.Cosby has been accused by over twenty different women
of spiking their drinks and yada yada fun intended

There is an old saying
Where there is smoke....there is fire....not one acccusation

over Twenty were an african american that
in the days of racial strife
broke barriers and sustained
a career most would envy

but if these allegations are true

you have broken

a trust

that cannot

be repaired

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A merry cyber war Christmas to you too

Ah...I love the smell of cyber wars in the morning
that smell of cloaked espionage
just another modern name for war
or putting your cyber mitts in the other guys

Cookie jar....information,spam....whatever

World War 3 will not start with a bang...but a puff
of an electrical grid....hospitals with patients
but no lights
generators don't last forever

Watch The Walking dead

We are a new generation of cyber terrorists
sitting in our cubicles
God knows where
like a game of computer big bang geeks
eating doritoes and watching lesbian porn
We can't even do anything man to man


cyber wars greatest generation

not bloody likely


Hello,it has been awhile....I will be posting some new stuff very shortly
if anyone is out there

Skoal and Merry Christmas

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Space crawl radio blog ...episode 5....Momma don't let your criminals grow up to be spacemen

crack hiss......
When we last tuned in to our hapless,clueless,Britsh space guinea p.....sorry.....
Regg was telling Harold hunt
that the door to the Russian Putin-Rasputin-Omni....was opening up....lets listen in

Oh,bloody's swinging open....bugger us all to hell...Regg bellowed
arr arr..buggering....Nigel ,from ground control sniggered.....

Behave,Nigel.....Harold Hunt...admonished....this is serious.....
oh,It's probley just a voice activated door.....Nigel added

Then you come here and face the thing on the other side...Farrot face...Regg bellowed...

Tiny,who was fast asleep,groaned....What the ell is happening?!.....
clunk....his head hit the ceiling....ARRRR

We're about to be eaten by space aliens....Jasper confided... Not if I can help it......Regg picked up a .......

Wait....wait....ANDREW...what does he pick up?....a bat?

oh....skip it brain is foggy....
Join the ruddy club,mate....Regg replied....    
All three men squeeled like teenage girls at a Beatles concert
as the door opened

HELLO.....lovlies.......I'm Emma.....Emma PEEL.....boop boop
 What is it?......Nigel asked from ground control

Iiiii....It's a bloody robot....shapley robot....It looks like

YEAH.....yEAH.......Emma peel...The Avengers....Tiny whistled...

She is all silver,but her face looks quite....hubba hubba...REGG

Men,men....control yourselves....Harold Hunt ordered....

He built it then....Putin...he was a fan of Diana RIGG......arr arr...Nigel sniggered..

Oh,gentleman,I am model...5467....retro to serve you....

Me....first.....Regg ....pushed the other two out of the way..

You....pervs...she is a robot...not a blow up doll...Nigel commentated

HRRMPH....yes...I must agree...for once ,with Farrot....NIGEL....Harold

I'm so lonely....Tiny exclaimed.........

erre....What about us,sunshine..?.....Jasper replied......

She has a built in chastity belt....Nigel....commentated

How,do you know all this?....Harold asked.....

I'm a cyberspace junkie...Nigel...replied...

Yes,I'm saving myself,for a fine,husband....Emma replied

But...your a robot....robots don't marry robots.....Regg commentated

A small tear...ran down the robots face...then a wail....

OH...bloody..hell....good cry

It?.....Emma replied....I am an A class....retro Wanker!!!!!!!!

I like her.....Nigel...sniggered

This episode is dedicated to Robin Williams
I watched him as a child on Mork and Mindy

I hope you have found peace of mind
in the next world

I hope that
all of us

nano nano

Friday, August 15, 2014

You Bonehead Shepard Smith

Talk about kicking a man when he is dead...

Anchorman Shepard Smith ,who I thought was the only one at fox news

with any form of fair..ha....and balanced reporting....

chides Robin Williams for killing himself

Come on Sheppy.....even Elizabeth Hasselback has more compassion.

Self righteous


quote me on that


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Killing Archie Andrews...why not Mickey mouse and Snoopy too

So another pop culture icon gets butchered by new owners with no vision
by that need to sell more product by killing the golden goose

Archie Andrews will die saving his gay best friend....that isn't my gripe
I just think it is a lazy corporate move by new owners with the
vision of an eggplant...yes,you EggPlant

Remember new coke?.....Real bright move....
Didn't Superman get killed off once
how did that go?

Are country is getting rid of its heritage
and giving it away piece by piece

By people with no vision
and less common sense....

YOU  can take that to the bank....oh wait,the banks been sold out too


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Space crawl radio blog series episode 4 theres ghosts in them space,ya all

When we last visited the Calypso Minor it had
lost communication with lands end ground control....let's listen....

Sir,If their lost in space,are we out of jobs?...Nigel sniveled
Good,God, have them dead already,you little weasle,sorry....Harold Hunt replied

Calypso minor.can you read us?......Calypso Minor.....
I could train to be a horse jockey...Nigel sighed

crackle       crackle

Ere.....were here....bloody hell and a handbasket...this is REG..over....

Forget it,Nigel....your own horse would eat you....Harold.....
Calypso minor....what happened......?

err....we bumped into another ship out here...The Putin -Rasputin Omni

I I can't believe it,that went up in 2016 was Putins pet project

Didn't he go up with it sir....?....Nigel queried....

Yes,sort of a John Wayne chap....he passed the physical with flying colors
yes...his wife ran the country after the ship vanished
she introduced a casual Fridays at work day
really set the country into a more relaxed state....

Eh.....What do we do,we are kind of attached to it...Red complained....
It looks kind of beat up....Jasper observed

You would too if you were floating in space for over eighty years...
more than that....Jasper replied.....

I dun,hate math,you wanker...Red barked....
Tiny was fast asleep and snoring...

We gonna wake him?..Jasper inquired...
neh....Tiny needs his beauty sleep....Reg replied....

This is very historical have found a piece of  important can say it,mate.....a piece of flying space junk...Reg replied

What happens if their dead bodies come flying out..?   Nigel sniggered

Nigel, need to alarm the boys....ah.....

I heard that farrot face.....I ain't afraid of a mummified Russian......

Eh,....What's happening...the door to the other bloody things opening....!!!!!!!!

AH.......Jasper screamed like a girl

Tiny lurched up and bumped his head for the hundreth time....

I told you....I told you....GHOSTS....Poltergeists......Nigel  sniggered....

Behave Nigel......Calypso Minor....stay might be the ships computer

Bloody hell...






Saturday, July 5, 2014

Space Crawl radio series blog Episode 3 Ground control to Major Reg

When we last joined are guinea pig astronauts,Reg,Tiny and Jasper were jolted by the
ship spinning and turning....let's join are clueless friends

Bloody hell,I feel like a disco ball....Reg bellowed as the ship shuddered

Hit the cruise control off and turn seventy five degrees to the right...Harold ordered

ARR, it,turning the ruddy thing,hang on mates......

Heaven help us,Jasper wailed

We're pretty close to it .....Tiny proclaimed

Reg turned the ship slowly into the Garry Glitter highway ....

Look at that,it looks like a motorway of blarmy...Reg annonced

Just stay in that lane and you can turn the cruise control back on...Harold said

What are those funny bubbles?....they look like telletubbies ....Jasper asked

What color are they?...Harold Hunt of ground control replied...

Bluish,no reddish.....there changing colors..

It's just mutated pollution from hair spray cans...Harold announced

Bloody hell,....I'm glad I'm bald ...Reg replied....

Yeah,Yule Brenner ....Tiny laughed...

The ladies loved me back home...Reg replied

Maybe we can pick up some space women...Tiny ventured

As long as they have two arms and two legs,no two headed birds...Reg replied

Good luck,you wankers...Nigel interrupted

Arr,I thought I heard a rat...Reg replied

Nigel.behave,sorry gentleman ...he couldn't resist....Harold commentated

Ay....what is that?....It looks like a spaceship or sumthin.....

This is ground control,what are you seeing? report

Hold your bloody horses.....How do we stop this heap....Reg bellowed

Put it in neutral you stoopid git....Nigel replied

Why you farrot .....

Arr    arr   arr


It's a looks old or beat up.....


This is lands end control....Calypso you read.....

I don't think any of those louts read....Nigel replied....

Nigel....this is no time for sarcasm....

Calypso Minor

Calypso Minor...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The world won't go out with a bang....but with a computer virus whisper

My laptop got infected....I mean really infected...I had pop ups about erectile disfuction
to how to marry a rich old tycoon.....I downloaded a torrent of a horror movie....
Then within five seconds I felt like the trojan horse had rammed through the gates

I actually shook my laptop.....GeT OUT Of MY COMPUTER YOU
YOU BASTARDS....THAT is the polite version.

I know now the third world war will not be guns and bombs and nuclear weapons
it will be passive agressive computer virus warfare....I mean
It works....

The power grid gets pulled down...we Americans love our power and air conditioning
no more flix .....or web cam porn.....sorry....

You get the drift....

wait.another pop up.......

Monday, June 23, 2014

Space crawl radio series....episode 2..Fly me to the moon or Vegas

When we last tuned in to our three convict astronauts,well not astronauts,more like British lab rats
Reg,Jasper and Tiny were asked to turn off the cruise control by Harold Hunt....
Lands end ground control chief....Let's listen in.....Static....hiss

You want us to steer this bloody thing,Where?...asked Regg.....
Just towards the right....can you see that highway....?...Harold  asked.
What bloody highway....All I see is space and stars...Regg bemoaned.
It's called the Gary glitter exspress super highway...Harold announced
Gary bloody Glitter,that bastard...that ain't fuuny mate....Regg roared

Well,it was a sort of inside joke,but it stuck...and that's the name.....
More like highway to ruddy hell....Tiny interjected....
I like that one song...they play at the soccer matches...Jasper added
That's one strike against you mate,,,Regg glared.....

NOW,let's begin this minor diversion....Harold announced...
Alright...Where is the cruise control switch,mate?....Regg...asked
It says cruise control,you stoopid wanker...Nigel replied
You....ruddy farott face,you wait till I get back....Regg bellowed...

Nigel....behave!......Harold scolded,
I I can't help it,he's so thick.....Nigel cackled....ahr....arh.....

Forget about Nigel....he has no decorum...Harold announced
He won't have a head when I'm dun wiv im.......Regg......said deathly....

Now,now,remember the british slogan....Carry on....
Is that still it..?...I thought it was King George proved it....

Proved what? Tiny queried...
I don't bloody know,he was before our time...his mum Kate was hot though
Regg replied....

Arr...yeah....she lived until she was one hundred and five...too bad about King William
Fancy jumping out of an airplane at the age of eighty five....Jasper sighed...

Monarchists....bleh....Regg grumbled....

Bang....the space rocket ...ship....whatever....starts to shake

You have to act ordered...

Get ready to hit the switch.....

bloody hell.....


I'm still hungry....Tiny

static    hiss pop.........

Friday, June 20, 2014

Space Crawl radio series episode 1 To boldly snore where no ones snored before

The year is 3012....
Great Britain launches itself into the space race by building with scrap metal from American and Russian
rockets and shuttles,a modern,fully loaded,cruise control explorer called The Calipso Minor...

Instread of risking a highly skilled British citizen...Three criminals

Regg Putney....35....purse snatcher...a terrible one

Jasper hacker...well,he broke into his own account

Tiny Mason....37...Grifter and part time boxer.....well.he isn't very tiny...

are allowed to serve the rest of thier sentences up in space...sort of guinea pigs

but don't tell them that.....Let's listen in.....shh....

Calipso Minor,this is lands end control.....Do you read?....

ARR...Bloody hell fire....what the bloody hell time is it,you wankers?...Red bemoans

It's ten o clock in the morning you lazy sods......

Who you calling a lazy sod...who is this anyway?

I'm sorry about my assistent,Mr.Regg,he is my assistant,Nigel...Farrot....

I bet he has a face like a .....

NOW,NOW...this is Harold is everybody up there?

Hey!...WAKE UP....ground control is on the line...Regg wakes up the other men...

Ground control to major TOM......Jasper starts to sing......

Eh,that's funny...hey...Tiny....wake big horses arse......

WAA....Tiny bangs his large,bald head against a steel .....

Arr.....bloody it breakfast?'s all the bloody same up here....Regg quips

I need my bangers and mash....Tiny growls....

Exscuse me,Tiny...this is Harold Hunt,there are banger and mash consolidated packets dinners

Where?...Tiny looks around the ship

There is a large...drawer with a big R on it...for rations

Dumb criminals....Nigel interjects....

That's enough...Nigel...Harold scolds him...

ah....yeah....What do I DO.......its just a silver packet...

Just press the gold tab on top of will inflate and you can eat it

The whole packet?....Tiny sounds puzzled....

No,Tiny,,,,just the contents inside....Harold...said calmly....
Tiny pushes the gold tab...and the packet inflates and shakes itself

Look at that....Ain't modern stuff...marvelous...Regg interjected.

Tiny smelled the food....then gobbled it in one ......

Easy might get a bad case of the gassees.....Jasper grined

Tiny....belched.....Not too bad....not as good as my mothers,but not awful either..

Now...Now Tiny is fed...What you guys want from us?...Regg asked.

Yes,Regg,as you were told ...your ship is on automatic cruise control...


Harold....coughed...we need you to take it off for a minute or two...

What?!...I never flown nuttin in my bloody life...except a bouncer or two...

Jasper and Tiny and Regg stared at each other......

It will only take a moment or two...we need you to turn to the right

And what is on the right?....Regg asked

Your destiny.......Harold announced



Thursday, June 19, 2014

From the creator of The peculiar 14th floor dept store

Radio blog

Comes a sci fi radio comedy that will
Explode your ears or mind

Join the Calypso wonder as it travels through space

With Regg......Jasper ........and tiny

And robot,well he doesn't have a name join the fun

Or as Regg says:

Or else.....

Coming very soon:Space Crawl radio blog sci fi comedy

Join three master criminals ...well not masters
Three clueless prisoners
Sent to space
In a spaceship salvaged from US and Russian parts

As for Queen and country
They discover ....not that much ....

In a galaxy not far from

Xanadu .....

Hey,mate ...Is that a real place ?
Be quiet ....I haven't thought your names up yet

Call me Reg....or else .....

Monday, June 16, 2014

The graveyard philosophy club discuss marriage

Ah.Marriage.Clive mumbled as he lit his pipe ..

An outdated institution

Says the single boy.....Sarah giggled

You should join a monastery  Clivey ....Tallulah added

He wouldn't last a forknight ,he thinks out loud ,Keith added

Your wrong,my filtered cigarette friends,Test me

OK.Time him Tallulah ....starting now

Hey Clive,I just read in Sci fi news
The new Star Wars
Will have
Eewoks .....


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hell no,we shouldn't go and invade another country

Not again.No more invading countries that are divided by
Religious and secular divisions.

Enough is enough.
Our troops come home to a second rate
VA administration.

We have to fix things here .
Home base.


Universal healthcare
Not pay as you go
so hmo's can fatten thier overbloated CEO's

We cannot save every country

Especially ones
That don't even

Friday, June 13, 2014

To my readers in Ukraine and Germany.....Hello.....

Zhank you for reading the ramblings of a constipated,sometimes American.....

I hope my words make you laugh or cry,well not cry....but think...God...why am I reading this guy

I should go walk the dog...or buy a newspaper or watch the soccer match at the local pub

or ....Cheers......

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Don't let the Howard Beals speak for you,and damn us all to hell

Things are bad,everyone knows,things are bad
please,just leave us alone in our living rooms
I want you to get mad,I'm a human being God Damitt!!
Say,I'm mad as hell.and I'm not to take it anymore

Network...words by Paddy Chayefsky....all rights preserved.


Everyone has one
unless you are born without a tongue
but everyone has an inner voice
that screams
for the eternal sky.

Some voices
speak louder than others
they rally
Tell you how to think
what to wear
whom to like
whom to pray to

Seasons greetings
Merry Christmas.

But whom made them God?
not God,surely
If you believe in a God
it is your right
not to.

It doesn't matter
where your voice
broadcasts from
the barrio
the tenements
the skyscrapers
with gated fences

One thing should be

The truth

It is hard to speak it
when it is unpopular
to point a finger
at injustice
and raise a red flag

It can isolate a person
make a life uncomfortable.

But it must be the cornerstone
of any great nation.

The problem is
we fail these people
that try
to tell it.

Karen Silkwood
brought radiation home from work
and blew the whistle
to be murdered.

Crystal Lee Sutton
the inspiration
for the movie Norma Ray
didn't die
from a union busting
but from brain cancer
that spread
because of an insurance company
that refused to pay for her treatments.

And now


Some call him a patriot
a whistle blower
a freedom of privacy

but where is he?


Putin's Precious.

He must have his day
but in front of our courts

on our soil.

Let his voice be heard
with a threat of jail time.

The truth is uncomfortable

It is Isolating

But it must be spoken
regardless of the pain.

Don't let the Howard Beals
Bill o Reilly's
Rush Limbaugh
Howard Sterns
Oprah Winfry's
Bill Marrs

speak for you

If our country
ends up like the final scene
in The Planet of the apes movie
with the Statue of Liberty
buried in the sand

You finnaly really did it
You blew it up
God Damn You
All to

It will be on those

who refused

to say Nothing

When a






Andrew Lawson.

So many damn guns in my country,when will it ever end?

There have been like five massacres within two months in my country.
This is do gun owners sleep at night?....Oh,fine Andrew,
I keep it under my bed,next to my copy of the end times and build yourself
a bomb shelter.

Freedom of speech,my ass
YOU don't need a semi automatic weapon and arsenals in your bloody living rooms
OH,what happens if a store is robbed'Andrew and I pull out my private gun
and shoot the robber?

YOU might miss and Hit ME

That's what....

Oh,I feel safe

a brave soul like yourself and Charlton Heston

is protecting our nation

You know

I'm being



I will return to my blog

my apologies to anyone checking on this blog...I have been writing poetry and a ...
family crisis happpened.

I might tweek it a picture is up  tangled up in blue...ha

So Tune in this and my sixties blog the Peculiar 14TH FLOOR RADIO BLOG....

I will write some new material come back,world......

Friday, April 18, 2014

I retract my dissapproval of Jessica Raines

Well,I take back my dissappoval of actress Jessica Raines
Of Call the Midwives ....

She has honored the books material
the writers have been writing new material of episodes
Not based on the original material....

So best of luck ,Jessica Raines,maybe you will do a Billy Piper
And return once in awhile to a show that spotlighted your talent ...

This show has a great cast
I think it will run into six or seven series,maybe more ...
It's that good ....
Carry on..........

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Jessica Raines quits Call the Midwives

I thought it was only in America ,TV stars made

rash decisions and quit well written shows.

David Caruso,Shelly long ,Rob Morrow ,Larry Linville

The list goes on,actors who believed they were rising meteors
only to find out ,they left the best gig of their lives .

What a rippoff to loyal fans ,just like Christopher Eccleston
who I thought was the best Doctor who of all time ,sorry David.

It seems the British stars now suffer from the same
virus of blinded expectations ,sorry Jessica

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mystery 777 plane dissapearence.....Lost,stolen or crashed

It shouldn't be suprising a passenger plane out of thousands that fly each day and arrive safely,

has just vanished and maybe was flown by a rogue pilot who owned his own flight simulator...ring a bell....

to practice a hijacking...remember Db Cooper....he parachuted over Seatle airspace

with a load of money....that still hasn't BEEN TRULY SOLVED,TO THIS a kid found some of the money

he didn'T FIND Db cooper......maybe he is still dangling from a tree....there are worse ways to go...

This case facinates us,because it is a mystery,like Emilia,Jimmy Hoffa,but real families with real heartache
are waiting for that call....

Flying to me,is scary now...too many things can go wrong...has everybody forgotten September 11 2001....

Anyone who flys these days,is taking a risk ...a metal ship,flying high above the clouds...flown by whom knows whom

with passengers with maybe differerent criteria then ourselves.....

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This blog is dying

well....I tried to write about various things,but maybe I put it mildly






Saturday, February 22, 2014

Russian skater Adelina Sotnikov deserved the gold

Again my fellow Americans are crying fowl about results of an Olympic games ...

Bad enough the women's hockey team acted like spoiled twelve year Olds

Now in skating circles are questioning ...the results of the female figure skating results ..

Hate to bust the ivory castle of Ashley waggoner, whom barely made it to the American team (free pass)

She outskated you....she was a ballerina on the ice, you were so....

She did harder jumps ...Johnny Wier and Tara lapinkski ...agree....

So congratualatons ....Adelina Sotnikov

Your story is what the Olympics is all about

The underdog, like Rocky ....

Who schools them all .....

Wear that gold with pride, you earned it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Friday night ghost story

My mother bought a haunted house blog by Jamie snow ....

Well....I've been watching the men's ski cross, man that's wicked ...

I would land head first..trying that ...splat...crunch...Neh...I'll stick to X box

We had another snow day today ...pure ice ..really slippery,

A dairy truck went off the main road and crashed into some historical tree

The tree actually had a name ...Sarah....she lost two limbs ...ouch

I had a spooky dream last night ....I heard knocking at my bedroom door




I open it...and there is this little girl in this long gown or nightdress

She says ....Have you seen BoBo?...then. puff .....gone ...

I thought she let one loose ...I smelled rotten eggs...whew

Iris rich told me that is sulpher ....ghosts sometimes give that smell off

You mean ....I wasn't dreaming?.....I asked saw your first entity


The graveyard philosopy club .....Fate

I don't Believe.... I believe in Fate ....Clive announced ....leaning against a gravestone

That surprising, Tallulah ventured ...You look like someone who has a destiny, or believes one does

Oh...don't get me wrong ...Einstein, Oppenheimer....Steve Jobs ....maybe some predetermination there ..

I think we make the best lives we can, with the little bestowed upon us ....Sarah added

I saw a fortune teller once ...Keith mumbled ...was quite eeerie ....

What did she say .....the whole group asked in unison ....

She said I would be spending half of my school years sitting in

A graveyard talking

Utter bloody nonsense .....

Quite right .....Clive added....puffing on his pipe ....Like Sherlock Holmes.....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Have you seen your Doppelganger today ?

Doppelganger:A paranormal double of a living person

Omen of death ....Spirit double, that precedes a living persons activities ...creepy
One time I was attending a library booksale when this women said "you should read this "she pushed it towards me

How to fix a broken marriage ...well I wasn't married and I had no connection to this marriage advocate.

Another time I was in a package store in Massachusetts and the cashier (I always got carded)

Said "It's ok sweetie live here ...Well....I had never been there in my life

My doppelganger had marriage problems and was drinking too much ...or vice versa

Another eerie story was on Unsolved mysteries ....

A soldier during WW2.... was leaving for Europe and came face to faces with his mirrored self ...

The double was also a soldier ...with the same first name ...and induction papers,, same date ...

A split dimension? .... Do we cross each other sometimes ...?

Rock star life or living hand to mouth?

It is quite a quandry ...

Any theories...please comment ...

My doppelganger, wrote this

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Friday night ghost story part 4

My mother bought us a haunted house blog Jamie snow

Hey..guys..whew......Snow day!!..... So much snow fell on this little town...its so quiet....eerie...quiet

I was shoveling with my Mom all day .....Her dodge jeep was buried ....we have no garage ....

See.....she should have noticed ....that ....buyer beware.....Mom....

Well....last night I decided to explore some shut off rooms on my floor ...

There is one kind of creepy room with faded blue wallpaper and I saw funny writing

etched in some kind of black chalk or paint Egyptian writing...

The room was very cold...not just cold ...Freeezing.....

I felt like someone was watching me ...

And I heard


Giggle is getting pretty late and the Olympics is on

I love watching that one where they slide on the ice on a sled

At so much speed ......whush....its rad....goes by fast .....

I'll have to tell Iris about the cold room and giggle

Well....I better go....I'm lucky the power is still on....

Peace out.....Jamie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The peculiar 14 th floor radio blog has moved of my blogs on this blog....has it's own domain ....

The peculiar 14th floor Dept store radio blog

Has it's very own blog....jughead67blogspot....

So check it out shoulder be fun to write

My homage to Are you being served to the Twilight zone, The night stalker...

Set in 1962 a BBC radio play ...

Hope you will tune in...well it....cheers

I don't believe Phillip Semour Hoffman was sober

I think Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a great talent and his body of work, speaks
for itself, but clean for twenty years? .... He goes from 0 drug activity to buying
Half the heroin in all of New York city, in one night?

Come on....Do painkillers and xanax and God knows how many mothers little helpers,not count

He used (Like River phoenix and Heath ledger).....?

Elvis Presley took all sorts of uppers and downers, and his doctor

Hand delivered them to his house in a leather satchel......

John Belushi,was handed little packets of cocaine and told "here's a little present "

Every time he went to a bar or club, when he hit the big time.

Oscar winners are supposed to live into their eighties

But not when their free basing and buying thousands of dollars of pure, premium grade heroin.

I'm sorry, Phillip, you won an Oscar and maybe the temptations took hold

Sometimes the things we wish for, are not the best things for our self preservation.

I hate to quote a line from the movie STAND BY ME

But you really screwed the pooch ....

Monday, February 10, 2014

Page boy smile

Page boy smile, poem -song lyrics by Andrew Lawson

I hear her in the alley
see her through the windows
barely a word or whisper
just her page boy smile
I can feel her haunting
our lost youth and virtue
I can hear her teardrops
fall silently to the ground

I remember when I first saw her
playing on the rooftop
rainy day women
with a punk rock edge
she was only fifteen
stuck in the mobile
she was just a tomboy
with a page boy smile

The last time I saw her
was on my way to bootcamp
She handed me a guitar pick
and kissed Me on my heart
she formed a female rock band
she toured the road and weary
I killed my first human
the love of heroin, killed her

So I still see her
a ghostly reminder
of lost love and virtue
and other things in between
I hear her in the alley
playing on the rooftop
that traveling musician
with the page boy smile

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The graveyard philosophy club......reincarnation.....

Leaning their bodies against ivey tombstones, the club was discussing reincarnation ....

Oh.....When I come back I want to return as a man, Sara announced ....

Why is that? ..... replied Clive ...

I'd be paid more money, when I'm a professional ....

Professional what? ... grinned Marcus

Watch it .....Sara warned .....

It's all a bunch of rubbish, an exercise in futility ....Clive grumbled

You say that about everything....Keith replied ......

Well...People use reincarnation as a reason to not do their best, in this life ...Clive brokered

Well....I don't know about you lot, Tallulah announced with a flourish

I'm coming back as Angeline Jolie

A cricket chirped....

Or him.......

Friday, February 7, 2014

This blog is for

This blog is for :

The explorers

Seekers. Dreamers.

Thinkers. Artists. everyday tinkers

Poets. writers. love crossed. Survivors

Shut ins. Loose ends

And all the twisted arch bends

Not more left to say

Just look to the horizen

Andrew Lawson
host of ghostly silhouettes of vigor and vim

The century dept store peculiar 14.... radio blog ..

Episode 1...... Beginnings .....

On the 14th floor of the Century Dept store in West side, London is a peculiar sales Dept ..
Lets listen in .......

An effeminate the name of Ian is leading new employee Simon Lawson
around the quite eerie but cozy sales floor ....

Well...I must tell you the history of this place, my lad, it's quite juicy ... way Simon replied ....
Ian blushed ...aren't you precoius let us begin .....

This Dept store is just like any other, except this one floor
You day in 1936.... this department just was forgotten..
The head of this floor, never bothered to ask why customers stopped coming
He just decided to create new buisness with ingenuity ....

What did he do.....drag people off the street? ... asked Simon... volunteered ...he went out and bought very unique items
things that were quite ....peculiar, to say the least... Ian quipped
such as? .... Simon queried .....

Chinese daggers ....Paintings that were said to be haunted...pipes that never
went out ...Books that could be read back to front ...
He even brought back a mummy from Egyptian times ....Ian added
How did he manage that? Simon asked

Oh'd be surprised what you can buy in the London black market,
I once bought a tea kettle that played God save the queen ....Ian giggled

So this department slowly by word of mouth, became relevant again
And no one knows to this day, why the fourteenth floor was suddenly forgotton..

Ian added:You know I came in for a pair of winter wellies ten Christmas eves ago
I felt compelled to go up to this floor thing I knew
I'm a salesperson, like rip van Winkle, actually Ian added...

So that's your brief history lesson, there's a test later
You're kidding right? Simon asked
I might be ....but you never know.....
Oh....Come on the girls are late ...

Girls? ..... Ian straightened his hair the antique mirror
Oh...yes ....Miss.Bombast ..I mean Bentley and pippy Montgomery, yes, Pippa
Ian went behind a counter and pulled out a dart,
See that dartboad ....When there's a tie for customers, we throw darts
Who ever hits closest to the red center, gets the sale ...or trys to...Ian added..

This place is peculiar .....Simon stammered

Yes...yes is....quite right, quite right ...

Welcome to the peculiar static........

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Friday night ghost story part 3

My mother bought a haunted house Blog...Jamie snow

Well...I said last time I met this girl named Iris finch
She is the only child of our local mailman, Mr.Finch.

He was delivering some packages to our house last Saturday
and was lugging a bunch of them in, when I spotted Iris
She was staring up at the attic window ...

Hey, I said
Hey, yourself, she said and smiled

She was wearing a yellow rain slicker (it was sunny outside)
and a red beret ....some frenchy thing ...

You know, she said

Your house is full of GHOSTS ....
I gulped ...what...why...where do you know ...?

This town is full of em..don't worry, they won't kill you ..Iris winked

What's your name? .... Iris whispered ...

Jamie, I said back

Well Jamie, can you keep a secret?
Iris grinned again

I see dead people
That s my new friend Iris finch

How was your week?....I have to go.....

Sometimes daily prediction by Son of Chandu

You will catch a slight cold with a few sniffles

You will try some chicken no avail

At night, you will take a swig of Nyquil,

You will say yuk......

You will sleep for two weeks straight will wake up slimmer and refreshed

You will miss the Olympic opening ceremony and closing ...


I'm the son of Chandu....not Chandu

The creepy Dyatlov pass incident, Russia 1959

This case has got to be the creepiest unsolved mystery of all time
Akin to the Blair witch movie (but that was a movie, this really happened!
On February 2 -1959 nine young,climber, ski climbers..full of vigor and vim( parden the plug)
Trekked up the Northern Ural mountains (called, death can't make this stuff up)

After they were not heard from, a search party was formed and what they came across was most baffling
the lost climbing teams tent was found upright but cut open from the inside
shoes and belongings were present.....nine sets of footprints were found leading from
the tent ...remains of a fire was found and bodies slowly were recovered.

Some were just in their underwear ...and socks....
Some skull damage and chest fractures ...on the other four bodies found
as if "extreme force, from a car crash had occurred....doo..doo..doo..doo
One female climber was missing her tongue, eyes and part of her lips...

Radiation was also detected on the climbers clothes
some reported seeing red, glowing lights ....above the mountain
A lot of this was hushed up by the Russian government
It was too bizarre to explain....

The photo at the top..were taken by the climbers themselves

they had no idea of their sad fates....
That is one small grace.

Go to youtube ...there is plenty about this story
What do you think?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The graveyard philosophy club

In a hidden graveyard, long abandoned and unattended, five students of the Hawthorne school

Talk among the ruined gravestones about Life, death, philosophy, music, science ....poetry..

Almost everything under the full moon

Sara ....Keith ...Marcus, Tallulah and Clive ....

Talk about


I think, when we die,click....lights out ....Clive announced ....

Oh...There has to be more, Sara added...That can't be it, surely ..

Marcus chimed in: I think are souls are like recyclable cans .....

Tallulah laughed :Says you sport, then I'm yoo hoo

Then I'm Swepps ginger ale ....Marcus added....

I don't think we find out, until we get snuffed out added Tallulah glumly ....

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The son of Chandu daily prediction

You will wake up and scratch your head

All day you will feel you have forgotton something

It will rack your brains all day

Feed the cat?

Pour out the expired milk?

Put on fresh underwear?

Don't ask me

I'm the son of Chandu........

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Century dept stores peculiar floor 14 blog radio play

That's it madem and Sir, welcome to the 14th floor ofnd the staff is quite strange

Pantyhose that glow in the dark

Earings worn by Marilyn Monroe

Books written backwards to forward

Pipes that never go out

Paintings that follow you around the room

Radio's that broadcast WInston Churchill (but it's 1962)

It's all in a days broadcast .....

Coming very soon....

To Ghostly silhouettes of vigor and vim.....

The loopy weather report with Little Libby

Hello....again ..we at the station are getting floods of fan mail for our

Little Libby, so we've decided to send to anyone who wants one an autographed picture of

Little Libby standing under an umbrella ....ha, it's quite rad? ...keen .....fazmo..... get the picture ...parden the pun ....

So if you want a super dooper picture of a picture ...just fill out our brochure in the Daily Herald (one per family)

with your name and address to:

Little Libby
Care of WXTZ news station
Box 32....Parish heights, Illinois

Little Libbys out with a touch of the sniffles

But she will be back stay tuned....

Best wishes, Jimmy Fallon but watch your back

Jimmy Fallon is about to host the Tonight show

hopefully keeping the tradition of the nightly talkfest alive

It is so sad to see that brief shot of Conan O Brian in the commercial

for the passing of the torch from Leno to Fallon....

How soon people forget ....Conan was dispatched to Siberia (I mean TBS)

Conan's show lost ratings but he also wasn't allowed to grow his audience

NBC should be ashamed of its treating of Conan

His show desearved at least two years to try new things and kick the kinks out.

I think Jimmy is different, he was weaned by Saturday night live

The oxegen he inhales is NBC ether.....

He has a firm fan base and Hollywood connections

And Justin timberlake

And he is staying in New York (classic Tonight show setting)

So good luck Jimmy Fallon

Sunday, February 2, 2014

It's a shame about Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Another fine actor has taken that eternal rest.

I remember watching Phillip in Boogie nights his puppydog forlorn character

following Mark Whalbergs character.

He was also great in that rock n roll movie directed by Cameron Crowe....Almost famous ...

I think is the title ....Capote (I own that one)

He was a character actor that chose characters on the edge ....

Like John Belushi, River Phoenix, Heath ledger

He joins that other stupid club

But his work will live on

And in the end

that's his final legacy.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Son of Chandu daily prediction

I predict, you will wake up

Then yawn

smell your own breath

stagger into the kitchen

Make a cup of tea and an English muffin

Look in the obituaries page for cheap property to buy

Stroke your cat or dogs head

E mail your friend Judy, tell her Downtown abbey is getting asanine

That's all I see for now

Everythings cloudied up again..

The following prediction may come true or not

Not liable, if any of it does

I'm the son of Chandu, not Chandu

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The friday night ghost story ..part 2

My mother bought a haunted house blog by Jamie snow

Hello.Wow a week goes fast, not in this small town of Parish heights, Illinois

actually, but having a haunted house, livens things up

You know, things that go bump, in the night.

My mom and I moved most of our junk into the house

I chose a bedroom on the second floor, it has a view of a giant

watertower that looks like a giant robot

My school has only has twenty five students!

we share with the elementary kids, jeesh

One kid (five years old)asked me if I watched

Seseame street, he was serious, stupid kid ....

Sorry, I'm a little cranky, I heard a strange moaning noise

coming from a vent in my room, last night

it kind of freaked me out, a little

I mean, it was actually quite creepy

Like Poltergeist scary

Their here .....woo.....

Holy s....

Sorry, PG.....

Oh.yeah, I met this kind of girl

Her name is Iris

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The loopy weather report with Little Libby

Hello Wxtz local news out of wheaton, Illinois

Lets check on our cub weather reporter Little Libby ....How goes the weather Little Libby?

Little Libby is standing at her bus stop's Little Libby here this thing on?

Yes, its on Libby, we can hear you just fine kid,

Don't call me kid, I'm eight and a quarter years old, mister

Ok...Libby, hows the weather out there?

That's a dumb question

Its brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr co. L. D. Brrrrrrr

Thank you, little Libby